Although we started as mainly creating beanie graphics and beanie web pages, we have now moved on to creating other graphics and web sites for other mediums.
I am an avid collector of beanie babies, beanie buddies and Winnie the Pooh collectibles. Most of my work is created in trade for these items, but we also have great rates for people who want to pay cash for their site or graphics work.
We are currently creating web pages for people using free web space (i.e. in order to make having your own web space easy and cost efficient. For those people who want to purchase their web space, we can still do your work for you.Graphics For You was started under a different name in 1999. This year, 2000, the name was changed to Graphics For You to greater reflect what we do. We are here to create web graphics and design web pages for you, the public. These sites are created based on what you want. You have all the say in the presentation, the graphics used, colour scheme, etc.